The Guest Lecture:
Dot points from the lecture - Sensory spaces:
Capturing live experience
Embodied understanding
Sensation leaves impressions on the body
The body is a source of primary evidence
Perception as embodied and multisensory
Experiences mediated by the senses
The feeling of sunlight,
Architecture is the art of reconciliation between ourselves and the world pg 77
The importance of the senses in informing our design judgments
Developing and ' empathic imagination' for architecture
Assessment 1: create a petcha Kucha in a group investigating the senses
The five senses: smell, taste, hear, see, feel
Start planning petcha Kucha and what we are going to do
Our Group members consist of Tayla, Luciana, Marie and Myself
In the remaining time of the studio, we discussed which sense we were going to focus on and how e will plan out this presentation. we decided on doing the sense deaf as Tayla new someone who was deaf which meant we could interview them next week. we also thought doing deaf could be really interesting to find out how people who are deaf live their everyday life. Marie did not attend the first studio so we were not able to discuss who was doing what parts for this presentation so we are going to wait until week 2 to do this.