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In Today's Studio we spent the whole time working in our groups on our Pecha Kucha, we planned out the order of our essay and the order of slides for our presentation. 


I had to wait for both girls to finish their Interviews so I could write the comparison below, we met on a Sunday to finish off our assessment.


I then completed the comparison paragraph and I have posted it below.


Marie’s and Jeffery’s Experience is completely opposite, Marie has had her hearing her whole life and suddenly being deaf was a shock for her and she had no idea what to do. Whereas Jeffery was born deaf and has known no different and has been taught how to live without the hearing sense. From Marie’s experience, she mentioned that it would have been better to have more signs so she knew where to wait for her coffee and how to order, which is a good point as Jeffery mentioned his daily life in Public was hard because of that. Jeffery has learned to create a safe haven as he avoids difficult situations whereas Marie doesn’t know how to do that and finds it confronting in public not knowing how to use sign language and communicate with people.


As you can see on the image behind me The Barista is trying to call out Marie’s name to let her know her coffee is ready but as Marie is not used to the concept of having to look around more rather than relying on her other sense, she had no idea her coffee was ready. When we interviewed Jeffery he was standing quite close to us and really looking at us to try and communicate easier knowing that he needed to use his other senses more.


we then spent the rest of the group meeting putting together our presentation which I will add photos below of our final presentation.









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