LECTURE - Sensory Spaces 2: the senses, space and the social order - feeling at home and feeling out of place
The role of the senses in feeling in place and out of place in the library
Libraries were designed to avoid noise
The sonic landscape operates as a disciplinary machine
The Seattle public library
We have already examined the qualities of the space that produced a sense of the risk of exposing a lack of belonging in the place…
But how does the sensory environment succeed in producing this feeling in some more than others?
What are the mechanisms and relationships that produce exclusion?
Merleau-Ponty: Habituated responses are organised by our bodily senses – the senses mediate the way our body “understands” what to do
Bourdieu – we approach every situation with a set of embodied dispositions – habitus- that provide us with a bodily sense of our place in certain settings and spaces
Our habitus is formed as a result of upbringing and then continues to be shaped by our experiences. It guides the way we improvise our way through encounters and experiences.
The sonic environment where even small noises are accentuated and noticed presents a risk to those who feel out of place – a risk of exposing their lack of familiarity.
We can never just see then senses as something to tack on as designers
The Reading:
The reading talks about experiencing the world mainly through our eyes leave us a distant observer. By watching something we create within creating the object.
Its all about how the senses interact with each other and what they have in common, for example, how would it feel to be a cinema and not see anything?
How we distance ourselves from unexplained or unusual senses, like when you hear a scary noise but can't see what it is.
“The experience of home is structured by distinct activities – cooking, eating, socialising, reading, storing, sleeping, intimate acts – not by visual elements.
Group work:
Today we discussed what parts everyone was going to do, Below is a list of each person's responsibilities.
- Notes From the Reading
- Research on deaf people in general
- The Reflection/Comparison of both Marie and Jeffery's interview and experience
- Lecture 1 Summary
- Lecture 2 Summary
- Put together all reading notes
- Design for the future paragraph
- Interview of Jeffery
- Research on Deaf People
- Notes from the Reading
- Interview experiment and her experience
- Case Study
- Notes from the Reading
Some images below that I found when doing my research:
Reference List for Images above --
Making Space and Place, https://ourhouseisourworld.wordpress.com/2014/11/04/experiencing-the-swamp-hut-through-the-eyes-of-the-skin/
Hearing Solutions, https://hearingsolutions.ca/infographic-hearing-loss-may-signal-other-important-health-issues/
Accessibility in Government, https://accessibility.blog.gov.uk/2016/09/02/dos-and-donts-on-designing-for-accessibility/
The Learning Network, http://www.vawlearningnetwork.ca/learning-network-resources/learning-network-infographics