WEEK 5 LECTURE - Inclusive Design 1
Disability, the NDIS and the role of design
Exclusion, separation, integration, Inclusion
Sensory spaces 1: considering the senses as a means of understanding the embodied experience of designed spaces
Sensory 2: locating the embodied experience of space in the context of broader problems of exclusion and inclusion
Inclusive spaces 1: Disability as a key factor in the social inequality in Australia
Disability in Australia
Is an restriction or impairment which effect everyday life
In Australia 4,3million have a disability
And over 35.9% of Australian households have a person with a disability
Australia was one of the first to ratify the united nations convention on the rights of person with disabilities on 17 July 2008
The purpose of the convention Is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and to promote respect for their inherent dignity
People with a disability in Australia are 2.7 time more likely to be at risk of poverty
Employment inequality - the unemployment rate for people with a disability was 10%
Educational inequality - 17% of people with a disability have completed a bachelor degree or above
Addressing inequality: inclusion as a strategy and process
Inclusive society is a society for all, where every individual has an active role to play in which people have the resources to participate in fields of working life, education, civic and political life. People are able to convert these resources into a valued life
We should be guided by the question of whether institutions promote human flourishing for all people. The high stakes of promoting inclusion: the principle of justice
Inequality from a justice perspective - Amatrya Sen. There are a number of universal human needs associated with individual flourishing
He also says the issue is whether institutions allow the flourishing of individuals
The have the 'capability' there needs to a 'fit' between individuals and their environment…
The differences between the individual and the external circumstances
The visons of the NDIS is for 'an inclusive Australian society that enables people with a disability and to fulfil their potential as equal citizens.'
The vison of the NDIS consistent with enhancing capabilities.
Two levels of NDIS
Level 1 - funding and support services for people with a permanent and significant disability - around 460,000 Australians
Level 2 - through the information, linkages and capacity building program (ILC) - facilitation and support for all people with disabilities to fulfil their potential in communities and organisations - 4.3million Australians
The NDIS model: when individuals flourish, societies benefit
The NDIS insurance model: the flourishing of people with disabilities is good for the economy
For example, employment: An improvement in employment ratios for people with disabilities that meet the average OECD benchmark would mean that employment of people with disabilities will rise by 100,000
The role of design in addressing inequality under the NDIS
The NDIS - not just accessible communities but designing inclusive communities, designing for change
What guides our sense of not fitting into space?
Our habitus is formed as a result of our upbringing and then continues to be shaped by our experiences. It guides the way we improvise our way through encounters
The national disability strategy: the need for universal design
The 8 goals of universal design: elements of the feeling "in Place"
Body fit, comfort, awareness, understanding, wellness, social integration, personalisation, cultural appropriateness
These element are important in inclusion
Have a look a what disability centres used to be like 100 years ago and how it was exclusion.
Question for the next lecture; we have come from disabilities all the way back to the senses and how we join these together and relate.
How do we promote feeling in place rather then outer place in respect to the 8 goals in universal design?
Lecture Summary:
Timeline Planning

Final Timeline